#brak is red
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invaderzimss · 2 days ago
art stuff i live zim again
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a bunch of ocs and irken anatomy headcanoms
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crusaderguy · 11 months ago
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omnybus · 11 months ago
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I can't resist a good crossover joke
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I connected six dots
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mariacallous · 6 months ago
As a teenager, I was embarrassed about liking chopped liver. To be fair, I was embarrassed about most things — my parents, my lack of the coolest sneakers, and my freckles among many other things. But liking chopped liver was high up on the list. It was just one of those gross foods: aesthetically unappealing, greyish and mushy, and just plain weird. None of my non-Jewish schoolmates had ever heard of anything like it.
But it tasted so damn good. All of it did — my grandmother’s, made from beef livers and shimmering with schmaltz served weekly at Shabbat lunch; the mass-produced packaged stuff that was kind of gristly, in a not-all-bad way; the scoops of it sandwiched between two slightly stale slices of white bread at the kosher deli (which may well have been the packaged stuff); and best of all, the creamier pate-like offerings, topped with a sweet fruit chutney, served at Friday night buffets in Israeli hotels. Chopped liver was rich and didn’t require a lot of effort — you barely needed to chew it. It also sparked an iron-fueled rush of energy. It was my guilty pleasure.
I didn’t realize I had been so spoiled in the chopped liver department until I left home from England, to Israel, where it was actually quite hard to find. Israeli chefs were deep into a returning-to-culinary-roots movement but hadn’t really delved into the Ashkenazi kitchen yet, preferring the spicier, sexier Mizrahi dishes like kubbeh and upscale stuffed pita sandwiches. I could find chopped liver in haredi areas like Bnei Brak, but it was a real schlep.
So I did what any committed liver enthusiast would do: I started making my own. I had my grandmother’s recipe, but beef livers were hard to come by, so I set my sights on a chicken liver version I’d found in Geila Hocherman’s Kosher Modern cookbook. This was more a pate; it departed from tradition in some quite ballsy ways, like adding capers! And thyme! And chili flakes! I was intrigued.
Finding chicken livers wasn’t a problem — there were trays of them, slippery and pink, in the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv. And, like those my Ashkenazi ancestors cooked within Eastern Europe, they were cheap and sold raw. Back at home, I gave my grandmother a call and she, delighted by my culinary undertaking, gave me step-by-step instructions. First I had to rinse the livers, salt them, and broil them — this was going to take some time.
I tend to be an impatient cook — technique-heavy, complicated recipes bring out the worst in me. But the process of making chopped liver was unexpectedly enjoyable. Growing up in an Orthodox community, my role as a woman often felt passive, mostly consisting of watching the men participate in Judaism. So it felt new, and welcome, to take on the active task of preparing the livers, with instructions passed down through my matriarchs for generations.
Once they’d been sufficiently broiled on both sides, I added the livers to a pan with caramelized onions, capers, thyme chili flakes, and a splash of white wine. Then I blitzed the mixture and a few slices of soaked bread with a hand mixer and steeled myself for a taste.
While the unorthodox ingredients added a saline spurt and chili zing, the chopped liver tasted wonderfully familiar. It was my take on all the other versions I’d gorged myself on before — not competing with them, but adding something a little new. I was content and even proud. I sat at the kitchen table with a glass of red wine, a box of crackers, and a jar of mango chutney and ate half my homemade liver in one sitting. Not the healthiest snack, I grant you, but it was an important reminder to me that sometimes it is worth investing time in the kitchen to please only yourself. Making chopped liver began as an exercise in nostalgia but turned out to be much more — an act of culinary self-care.
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cddboxes · 2 months ago
hihihi!! glad to see you’re doing at least a bit better :3 could we get a userbox that says “this factive isn’t source attached, don’t treat them like their source!” in a sort of red-purplish color? tysm ^^ and don’t overwork yourself, you deserve breaks and deserve to be happy ^^
Overwork myself is the happiest brak I can have /hj Thanks for the kind message :D /pos
Posted! Hope you like it!
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satcboi · 5 months ago
Toksyczność a toksyczne unikanie toksyczności
Przeglądając TikToka, łatwo natknąć się na tysiące historii o tragicznych rozstaniach, toksycznych związkach i chodzących "red flagach". Nasze pokolenie stawia ogromny nacisk na zdrowie psychiczne i dążenie do szczęścia z samym sobą, co w wielu przypadkach pomaga budować samoocenę i ośmiela do nowych doświadczeń – czy to podbijania do faceta "nie z mojej ligi", próbowania ONS, czy odkrywania swojej ciemnej strony. Jednak każdy medal ma dwie strony, a ta druga nie zawsze jest złota.
W tym nieustannym dążeniu do unikania toksyczności, wielu z nas zaczyna obsesyjnie doszukiwać się w ludziach złych cech. Wydaje się to być skuteczne – przecież lepiej unikać kłopotów, niż później żałować. Ale to właśnie to „doszukiwanie się” może być równie szkodliwe, jak toksyczne zachowania, których próbujemy uniknąć. W tym mechanizmie jest coś jeszcze bardziej niepokojącego: ci, którzy najgłośniej przestrzegają przed toksycznością, często sami stają się toksyczni, oskarżając innych o cechy, które sami manifestują.
Pozwólcie, że podzielę się historią z mojego życia, która jest idealnym przykładem tego zjawiska. Kiedyś, w momencie, gdy byłem otwarty na poznawanie nowych ludzi, ale bez intencji budowania związku czy przygody na jedną noc, natknąłem się na Adama. Adam, jak wielu innych, ukrywał się za sprytnie wykadrowanymi zdjęciami i nieśmiałością. Jego wiadomości były inne – brak w nich było typowych propozycji czy deklaracji. Postanowiłem dać mu szansę.
Nasze rozmowy przez kilka dni były płynne i swobodne. Po dwóch tygodniach doszło do spotkania u niego w mieszkaniu. Oczywiście, mogłoby to budzić pewne wątpliwości – pierwsze spotkanie w czyimś mieszkaniu? Ale wbrew obawom, spędziliśmy ten czas śmiejąc się i dyskutując na tematy okołopolityczne. Wszystko szło dobrze, aż do momentu, gdy Adam wspomniał o chęci budowania związku.
Tutaj powinienem być szczery – przecież wyraźnie zaznaczałem, że nie szukam związku. Zamiast tego, uśmiechnąłem się i powiedziałem coś wymijającego, że "na wszystko przyjdzie pora". Popełniłem błąd, który każdy z nas popełnił chociaż raz w życiu – dałem nadzieję tam, gdzie jej nie powinno być.
Nasze kolejne spotkanie miało miejsce po następnych dwóch tygodniach. Znowu siedzieliśmy na tej samej kanapie, w tym samym mieszkaniu. Tym razem, gdy opowiadałem mu o swoich problemach – o tym, jak ledwo wiążę koniec z końcem z powodu egzaminów i pracy, która próbuje mnie zniszczyć cichym mobbingiem – Adam postanowił, że to idealny moment, aby się do mnie zbliżyć. Chciałem na chwilę zapomnieć o problemach, więc nie protestowałem. Dla mnie to była chwilowa ucieczka, dla niego coś o wiele więcej. I tutaj zaczęły się prawdziwe problemy.
Z dnia na dzień, Adam zaczął ujawniać swoje prawdziwe oblicze. To, co na początku wyglądało jak troska, przerodziło się w niezdrową zazdrość. Każda moja decyzja, każde słowo, było przez niego analizowane jak dowód na moje rzekome złe intencje. Gdy mówiłem, że muszę się uczyć, Adam widział w tym wymówkę, by go unikać. Gdy spędzałem czas z innymi, dla niego była to zdrada. To, co dla mnie było przestrzenią do oddychania, dla niego stało się polem bitwy, na którym toczył wojnę z wyimaginowanymi rywalami.
W końcu doszło do wybuchu. Podczas jednej z naszych coraz to bardziej napiętych konwersacji, Adam oskarżył mnie o bycie fuckboyem i toksyczność. W jego oczach, dałem mu nadzieję na coś więcej, tylko po to, by teraz go odrzucić. Byłem dla niego jak ten tramwaj, który zamyka drzwi, gdy tylko wydaje się, że udało ci się dobiec do drzwi.
Ale Adam nie zrozumiał jednej rzeczy - nie byłem gotowy na coś więcej. Moje życie było już wystarczająco skomplikowane, a on, zamiast być wsparciem, stał się kolejnym ciężarem. W jego oczach, moje odmówienie mu większej bliskości było zdradą, ale to właśnie w tej odmowie objawiała się moja prawdziwa troska – troska o to, by nie dawać złudnych nadziei.
W ten sposób historia, która zaczęła się od obietnicy nowej znajomości, skończyła się rozczarowaniem. Czasem, w tym szaleńczym poszukiwaniu toksycznych cech u innych, sami stajemy się tym, przed czym chcemy uciec. Bo czyż to nie my sami często rzucamy te red flagi, których tak desperacko się boimy?
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thebirdwhodoesart · 1 year ago
BG3 Tavs/Ocs
Hello hello!! This is my masterpost for my Tavs and the bg3 ocs I have.
Why? Because I want to and that's all the reason and more to post them. This whole list is subject to change, but never to remove character.
And eventually get decent character descriptions after, but right now I don't care.
this is all dnd races too, now name time
Orirel Dawndream (Princess)(High Elf) Liadainna Sonata (Noble)(Wizard) (High Elf) Hallie Tavire (Entertainer)(Bard)(High Elf) Cassandra Cassear (Soldier)(Fighter)(High Elf) Ianfir Springwish (Sage)(Druid of the land)(Wood Elf) Nadja (Sage)(Druid of the wild)(Wood Elf) Celesti (outlander)(Cleric of the moonlight, Selûne) Nautica (Outlander)(druid of the Sea stars)(Sea Elf)
-Half Elves-
Gregor Tavine (Acolyte)(Paladin/Cleric, Luthander, Oath of devotion)(half High Elf) Stella DeTavrus (Entertainer)(Bard)(half High Elf) Noelle (Folk hero)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf) Camilei (Outlander)(Druid of the land)(half Wood Elf)
Zuko Taveri (Noble)(Sorcerer)(More devil then tief) Jeanette Tavrett(Outlander)(Ranger) Viana Blackrose(Entertainer)(Bard) Bee (Urchin/Criminal)(Rogue, thief) Dessa (Folk hero)(Rogue, assassin ) Dorcas (Haunted one)(Warlock)
Pailu (Soldier)(Fighter) Balrot'hik (Soldier)(Fighter) Dri Giphlak (Soldier)(Fighter) Nimber Ith'la (Soldier)(Fighter) Jeth K'thlaigha (Soldier)(Fighter)
Talaliira Taav (Soldier)(Fighter) Miz'ri Tav’neri (Sage)(Wizard) Ryld Everht'tar (Charlatan)(Bard) Nadal Kenndar (Charlatan) (Half drow-half tiefling) Zillia Dyrr (Outlander)(Cleric, Eilistraee)
-Half Orcs-
Brak Brak (Outlander)(Barbarian) Briki (Outlander)(Barbarian) BlackTusk (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian) Tak (Soldier/Outlander)(Barbarian)
Emnir Stoutheart (Soldier)(Fighter) Delaney StoneBeard (Guild Artisan)(Fighter) Jethro Bibbs (Soldier)(Fighter)
"Brick" Shithouse (Soldier)(Fighter) Linsire Thistlesky (Outlander)(Paladin) Kilga Elish (Outlander) Jimmie Barrel(Outlander)(Bard)
Aridon TwilightBrace (Entertainer)(Bard) Giancarlo Douvil - Formally known as Thimble Bimplestein (Entertainer)(Bard) Throbbie (outlander of the underdark) Shadynasty (Entertainer)(Bard)
Mellea (Entertainer)(Druid, circle of spores) Gus(Acolyte)(Monk) Aarav (Acolyte)(Monk)
Coil (Fighter) Porci (Wizard/Uses rapiers to extend her reach)
Illyanna (Thrall of a ulitharid) Ariel (Thrall of a ulitharid) Coral (Guild Artisan)(Druid, circle of (sea) stars) Ammi (Outlander)(Ranger) Pearl (Mariner) (Gunner) Narissa ("Noble")(Jellyfish wizard)(half triton half human) Kai (Outlander)(Pirate)(half human half triton) Calder (Soldier)(Paladin, path of ancients) Caspian (Folk hero)(Fighter) Delmar (Outlander)(Ranger)
Merissa Lana Orabell Nyrissa Minato Ren
Dusk, fae under shar (Sage)(Wizard) Nissa (Spawn of Bane) Twiggy (Noble)(Druid)
Pomeline (Outlander)(Ranger)
Ananassa (Outlander)(Druid/Bard) Plu (Sage)(Bard)
Zovik (Acolyte)(Monk) Vonn (Outlander)(Ranger) Gurr (Charlatan)(Rogue)
Janki(Outlander)(Bard)(Calico) Meena (Sage)(Wizard)(Scottish Fold) Melon (Criminal)(Rogue)(Norwegian Short Hair) Sam (Folk Hero)(Barbarian)(Orange) Theodore (Haunted one)(Bhaal Spawn)(Rogue)(Oriental shorthair) Whiskers (Acolyte)(Monk)(Japanese Bobtail) Princess (Acolyte)(Monk)(Egyptian Mau) Molli (Guild artisan)(Sorcerer, wild magic)(American shorthair)
Kh'thrër (Outlander)(Barbarian) (Red) Iltead (Folk Hero)(Barbarian) (Red) Heseth (soldier)(Barbarian) (Red) Ag'garith(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Silver) Cur'reem(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Copper) Au'theri(Outlander)(Barbarian) (Gold) Hebi (Outlander)(Eastern dragonborn)(White)
Alice(Folk Hero)(Wizard/Master of potions)
Nerivyre (Outlander)(Druid of the land)
Deshk(Noble)(Arcane trickster) Zhihu(Entertainer)(Rogue)
Gl'bgolyb (Ulitharid)
Cornir (Sage)(Paladin) Inea(Fallen)(Fighter) Navosi (Imprisoned)(Paladin)
-Succubi and incubi-
Wysteria Nyxxis (Nyxxxis) Velvet
Namoris (Soldier)(Paladin) Gauss (Soldier)(Paladin)
Boingo (Myrkul Spawn)
Briar (Spawn of Mystra) Rowan Jasper Fir Wynnie
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distant--shadow · 1 year ago
get to know meme
lil thing where I'll give a bit too much detail so it fills its purpose, honoured honestly to be tagged by three of my favourite writers in this space @sharkodactyl, @unicyclehippo , and @astoriacolumnstaircase - anyone reading this should be reading their works instead.
favourite colour: brown(s), like a mid to a dark tone, i like them to have a bit of red involved. like our old-boy chet, I love the wood. my dream home would be all wood-panelled with built in inlayed and set back shelves and nooks a plenty and yeah just full of brik-a-brak. otherwise my favourite colours are navy blue and greens that are more mixed with blue than yellow, teals and emeralds and once again generally around the mid tones. green makes me very happy. moss and outdoors and all that.
currently reading: fic. haha. (suss my recommend reading tag) I did venture out to my (very) local queer bookshop and asked them for something that won't send me on a spiral if I'm already on one/provide some escapism and they reccomended river of teeth by Sarah gailey. anyone I've said about it to seems real enthusiastic about it, I am not well read at all when it comes to published things, tend to just get really into a few fandom authors works and picking them apart (rereading a lot) . still haven't started it but maybe I'll try take it out to the park in the next week or so. I'm dabbling in reading (and unfortunately writing) poetry thanks to @picturesofthegoneworlds and @blorbotomy 's influence, those mini books are fun to keep on you when out and about, poem or two on a tree stump or boulder with a grand vista and a brain that wants eyes on a phone screen.
last song: last song I consciously (not background music) listened to was:
I went on an early lord snow stint the other night because the air smelt crisp and there was a nice chill. they have remained my favourite heavy (as a broad term) band for a decade now.
I used to have music on all of the time, whether that be cd's at home or in my mp3 player (that I still take out with me) but these days I find listening more of an intentional activity and I prefer to have people just nattering when I'm at home and want background noise. think it's where my heads at and I've just got more sensitive to being overstimulated I guess. I was also pretty good at going to a live gig at least once a week before I did my back in, looking forward to getting into that habit again.
last series: I don't watch much stuff outside of critical role, least other than YouTube videos I'll put on whislt I'm drawing. oh wait yeah I ordered 3 seasons of xena on ebay because it's like a couple of quid a season and it is a real good comfort show and fucking amazing. I hadn't seen it since I was pre teen and it was on day time TV and I'd catch it on sick days. the amount of people I've brought it up to these past few months who've been so stoked to be reminded of it/eager to watch it with me is actually hilarious.
last movie: uhhhh God movies I watch even less. I haven't been to a cinema in over 12 years now, just not my thing, and it's funny caus my mum used to work in the film and TV industry and we had shelves and shelves full of VHS growing up (mostly bootlegged) and she can just ramble about pretty much any early era film up to the stuff from the 80s (when she was working on em) for days. never could sit through em, never felt satisfied with how the story went. guess that's why actual play appeals to me. but saying all this I did rewatch Bound for the first time since I was like 15 last month or so, enjoyed it a lot more than I did back then.
sweet/savory/spicy: savory all day. I am a salt fiend. I used to think I'd be fortunate enough to die from my salt intake. I'll put it on anything. cereal, toast, fruit. I think the other day I noted the one thing I wouldn't put it on, but I can't recall that right now honestly. it's gotta be decent salt too, sea salt or rock salt that has some texture and delicious flavour, I'm not fucking with that table salt shit. I carry salt with me in a mini mason jar everywhere I go, saves when you only have access to bland cold supermarket food. one of my earliest memories is when I was like 6 I had had my daily 1 glass allowance of squash/fruit cordial in my white Tom and Jerry printed beaker with the accordion bendy straw and so when I was pouring myself a glass of water from the tap I put salt in it caus I wanted flavour that would not show through the white translucent container. it's all been downhill from there, although I also, luckily I guess caus otherwise I would be really fucked, do drink a lot of water.
currently working on: myself and healing. hah. I never realised how much paperwork and phone calls came with this maintenance shit. I'm still out of work, and my mental health has taken a huge hit from not being able to do the things I usually would. so right now I'm just trying to keep everything together. I can draw again though, so sorry about that.
I never know who to tag in these things caus I don't think everyone wants to do them. so I'll go with this being open invite as always. hope anyone who read this far is having a good week, and sentiment is still there even if you didn't read this (unless you don't deserve my well wishes, then fuck you.)
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sailor-rose-princess · 9 months ago
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I redesigned my Brak Show OC I did over a decade ago (left is old style, right is new). Her name is Sarah, and she's a space cat, and goes to the same school as Brak and Zorak. I need to think up more for her, I didn't really have any story ideas, all I knew was that Brak's mom was the only main female character on this show, and that didn't seem fair to me! I don't hate the old design, but looking at it now, it looked too similar to Brak, like Sarah could be his sister, and it wasn't what I was going for. So I decided to keep on the "space cat" thing, but make her a little different, I changed her to a cream/yellow/brown color scheme for her rather than red/orange/black like before. I'm unsure whether the eye mask is actually supposed to be a mask or not, but truthfully, I think it's just fur markings (like a raccoon almost), so that's my headcanon. I added a tail, because I thought it was cute, and her boots actually did have paw shape in the original pic, you just can't see it because it's all black, making them purple helped them be seen. I love how she turned out, and while not perfect, I think it shows how much I improved in over a decade (still can't fecking draw hands though).
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eretzyisrael · 2 years ago
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11 Sivan - Bnei Brak - 1924
On this day in 1924, the town of B’nai Brak was settled just east of Tel Aviv in Israel. The town is originally mentioned in the Book of Yehoshua and is most famous for being the place of the all-night Seder mentioned in the Passover Haggadah that was led by R’ Akiva. During the 4th Aliyah, 8 Chassidic families immigrated from Poland intending to build a religious agricultural settlement. By 1933, those 8 families had attracted over 1,000 others including the Chazon Ish who was considered the leading Rabbi in Israel until he died in 1953. The Jewish world was being guided from his little house in the town. By 1948, the population would be almost 10,000, and today there are nearly 200,000 residents. In 1950, B’nai Brak became an official city of the young State of Israel.
Much of the growth and development of B’nai Brak can be attributed to R’ Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman. R’ Kahaneman had already led the city of Ponevezh in Lithuania for 20 years. One of the largest Jewish cities in Lithuania, under his tutelage the city exploded as a center of Torah. At the outbreak of WWII, he was on a trip to Israel and found himself stranded there. He continued to run the city’s institutions from afar. In 1941, the city of Ponevezh was decimated first by the Red Army and then a few days later by the Nazis y”s. The local Yeshiva was destroyed and all its students were murdered. What was R’ Kahaneman’s response? Within two years he opened the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak with Rommel and the Nazis just a few sand dunes away in North Africa. As Europe was up in smoke, he saw his duty to rebuild Torah in Israel. Within a few months, Rommel would be dead and the Ponevezh Yeshiva would be on its way to making R’ Kahaneman’s vision a reality.
Rabbi Pinchas L. Landis
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alex99achapterthree · 1 year ago
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The conductor grabs train orders from Pennsylvania cabin car (caboose) #477319 attached to an eastbound freight train at Kentland, Indiana in April, 1962.
There are still conductors, but now they ride up in the locomotive. The caboose is long gone, replaced by an ETD (end-of-train device) on the last car.
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ETD on the last car shows a flashing red light and sends data on the operation of the braks system wirelessly to the cab of the locomotive.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years ago
Space Ghost Week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #68: “Waiting for Edward” | December 25, 1998 | S05E11
Ending the season on an episode that’s just fine. Denis Leary joins the Ghost with his acerbic brand of being a jerk. Denis plays it roughly how you’d expect, by acting very CYNICAL. He’s a cool guy who speaks his mind, and you gotta respect that. 
I’m a little at odds with myself, because I’m pretty sure that the first time I saw this I literally thought Denis Leary was ACTUALLY VERY FUNNY AND COOL. I still appreciate him on some level; he does embody a very 90s ‘tude that is generally “my bag”. In fact I bet you a million space bucks that I at one time or another referred to this as one of my favorite episodes just because it has Denis Leary in it. I really was that much of a loser. But I’ve grown up.* I’ve changed.**  Nowadays I just wish he would stop smoking and ranting, I got school in the morning, sheesh! I
This one starts with a very long “Waiting.” title card intro. I’ve been told that this episode aired with different variations where the music that plays during it is changed out. I remember one time noticing that in the program schedule for this episode they actually added “(version B)” to the episode title. I think Kon, who knows and is actually very good friends with Space Ghost, told me that it meant there was different music, and that it was on purpose. I think. He’ll correct me.
 I have to tell you something: I recently downloaded the Superjail episode “Superbar” as-aired as part of it’s stealth premiere on April Fools Day 2008. It was a “fine cut” version that wasn’t final, and it had the “Waiting.” title card at the start of it. Was “Waiting.” some kind of genuine internal Cartoon Network thing that played before the episodes instead of a more traditional countdown lead-in or production slate or whatever? 
This one also ends with, instead of an episode number, a little bug in the corner that designates this episode as belonging to the “100 series”. To this day, I don’t know what that means. When I was just watching these on TV in random order I assumed they actually had reached 100 episodes and decided not to count them after that. I was wrong, and I’m still baffled by it. In my comic “Early Conan” (which I’m not linking to because the web hosting is about to expire and I’m gonna move it somewhere else eventually) I actually included a “100 series” reference when I hit strip 100.
Notable moment run-down: the very long “Waiting” intro being interrupted briefly with footage of Space Ghost with Zorak on his shoulders, doing something mysterious. Zorak telling Leary that he’s seen all of his movies and that he didn’t think any of them were very good.  Moltar trying to get Space Ghost to say “nice jacket, Fonzie” to Denis. Denis dismissively telling Space Ghost that he only agreed to be on the show because his kids like it, and Space Ghost singing the line back “so the feelings of your stupid kids are more important than mine”. Space Ghost’s spit-take gag turning everyone red. Appearances from Brak and Lokar, who hasn’t been seen in a while. 
There’s also an appearance from the Cartoon Gang, who did somewhat lengthy interstitials between shows on Cartoon Network. It was just a group of kids discussing cartoons. They weren’t too beloved, and they seemed like the product of a craven attempt to be more outwardly kid-friendly by putting real kids on camera. I didn’t really remember them at all, but for some reason I have strong memories of Evan Dorkin hilariously bad-mouthing them during a Space Ghost commentary track. In their thankfully brief segment, Space Ghost bores them to tears about “saving Christmas” and then yells at them for being layabouts. Christmas gets a special thanks in the credits. Hilarious. Hey, when did this air, anyway? I don’t feel like looking up.
That closes out another Space Ghost Week. We’ve only got one more Space Ghost Week for classic Ghost, then I’ll probably do another one covering the dreaded GameTap episodes. Until next time, uh… I can’t think of a Space Ghost reference to put here. Oh well.
*I have not grown up. **I have not changed.
Tonight we resume our Adult Swim programming. Yippee! Here are a bunch of SG Mail Bags:
it's a line from the smash hit mario movie. don't read the trades much, do ya?
I’m afraid I don’t believe you that Merrill Markoe’s dead dog Lewis is in the Mario Movie and that they say “Lewis Lectures here we come!”. I’m willing to be wrong about this, though.
its hard to explain how cool kevin smith was to people who were too old or too young to be there.
He’s simply too weird for words nowadays. But man, the run of Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy was gigantic if you were an easily-impressed teenager who liked indie movies in the 1990s. I sorta admire him for trying new-ish things after that though. I Stan Tusk.
(doing the three stooges “hello” thing) (Jason Mewes, revealed to be napping at Kevin Smith’s feet during his Space Ghost interview) “heh-leoh”
any tips for anyone looking into getting into space ghost?
I can see how it might be tough getting to Space Ghost; especially since younger people might not be able to latch onto it for various reasons. Saying to check out episodes based on the guests can backfire, and I’m sure some viewers consider all the guests to be impossibly ancient.
I got into Space Ghost by seeing whatever episodes were on randomly. References to other episodes would pique my interest and they’d pay off later when I finally got to them.
At some point I’ll probably produce a list of best episodes of Space Ghost, but I won’t right now. You could do worse just finding random “best episodes” lists or sorting one on IMDB.
If you’re the type of person who compulsively starts with a full chronological watch-through regardless of the advice you receive saying to do otherwise, I’d say do this: get whatever you can get your hands on (DVDs, torrent, streaming [it’s getting yanked from HBOMax soon]) and just go with that even if it’s missing stuff. Fill in the gaps later. Please know that the early episodes might not be the funniest things ever, but this is also one of the rare comedies that actually gets funnier as it goes along. There’s going to be references you don’t get, There’s still stuff about the show I don’t understand, either. 
This might be unorthodox but: Maybe watch the episodes or seasons in backwards order? That’s actually probably a very good idea. Okay, yeah, actually, just do that.
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devosopmaandag · 2 years ago
Over toeval
Iedereen veert op bij momenten van toeval. Verbazing, vrolijkheid en opwinding volgen, en het lliefst delen we die met anderen. Paul Auster schreef in The red Notebook over vormen van werkelijk plaatsgevonden toeval. Juist het waargebeurde maakt het wonder van toeval nog groter. Hij schreef ook een roman met de veelzeggende titel 'The Music of Chance'. Ik werd zo enthousiast over die verhalen in The Red Notebook dat ik hem een brief schreef met een onwaarschijnlijke eigen ervaring van toeval. Natuurlijk kreeg ik geen antwoord.
Het allermooiste toeval dat mij ooit overkomen is, waarover ik Auster schreef, en met regelmaat vertel aan anderen is het volgende: ik stuurde ex-vriend M een jaar nadat we uit elkaar waren een boek voor zijn verjaardag. Ik kreeg geen enkele reactie en maakte daaruit op dat hij geen behoefte had mij ervoor te bedanken. Ik kon daarmee leven. Maanden later stuurde de post mij het pakketje gehavend retour; het was zoek geraakt. Een beetje als bewijs stuurde ik het in die gehavende vorm opnieuw naar hem. Toen belde hij op. Het boek dat hij van mij kreeg was het boek dat hij op dat moment las – in bed. En nu komt het allermooiste: in mijn pakketje deed ik een ansichtkaart van een lachende jongeman die van onderop gefotografeerd werd. De jongeman hangt met zijn voeten aan een touw aan een hoge boom. Ik schreef achterop de kaart: 'Are you still diving through life? (M is een Engelsman). Toen vertelde hij me waarom hij in bed lag. Zijn kunstenaarsvriendin wilde een video maken en vroeg hem om zich uit een boom te laten vallen. Hij deed het, en brak zijn rug. . . Ik bedacht 'de toeval-paradox': hoe onwaarschijnlijker een toevallige gebeurtenis is, hoe echter hij wordt.
Het verschijnsel dat je opeens dingen tegenkomt die je daarvoor nooit eerder opmerkte, en dat het precies die dingen zijn waar we op dat moment mee bezig zijn, is een verschijnsel dat iedereen kent. Dat is schijntoeval. Wat er gebeurt is de werking van De Wet van de Ontvankelijkheid: door open te staan voor iets, wordt het opgemerkt. Maar het geval van M en het boek overstijgt dit mechanisme. Er moet dus iets groters, iets hogers, iets diepers gaande zijn – zo houd je jezelf graag voor. Waarom we zo van toeval houden is dat het ons kan verzoenen met de in wezen ondraaglijke contingentie van ons bestaan. We worden op zo'n moment opgetild uit de willekeur ongevraagd geboren te zijn en vervolgens ongevraagd te moeten sterven.
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 1 month ago
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I am Ryminsteddiesashanne
If you want to refer to me as a name, use Kazu (not my real name) or Lc (initials)
My age is a mystery (to you)
My pronouns are they/them
I am trans
I am Aroace and Omnisexual
I have ADD, Autism, and Misophonia
Dni if - Transphobe, pedo, homophobe, proshipper, furry hater, etc
Some of my favorite characters include:
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Full Fandom list:
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She ra, Camp Cretaceous, Amphibia, The Owl House, Bobs Burgers, Infinity Train, The Simpsons, The Amazing World of Gumball, Helluva boss, Heathcliff and The Cadillac Cats, Moomin, South Park, Doug, The Brak Show, Aqua teen hunger force, Dr.Katz, Regular Show, Star vs the Forces of Evil, The Amazing Digital Circus, Hazbin Hotel, Tangled the Series, ✨️DUCKTALES✨️, Over The Garden Wall, Gravity falls, Rock Paper Scissors, Miraculous
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✨️OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB✨️, Spy x Family, Devil's Candy, Pokemon indigo league and black and white, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Black Butler, Chainsaw Man, Sasaki and Miyano, ✨️DEATH NOTE ✨️
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Criminal minds, Heartstopper, The Office, Parcs and Rec, Stranger Things, ✨️9-1-1 on ABC✨️, Community, Modern Family, Arested Development, ✨️ SQUID GAME ✨️, Friends, Saved by the Bell
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Scream, The Twilight saga, It, The Turning, Baseketball, The Outsiders, The Gay Deceivers, Little shop of horrors, Rush Hour, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Killer Book Club, ✨️TROLLS BAND TOGETHER✨️, Deadpool and Wolverine,
Ever After High, Monster High, Rainbow High, Sanrio, Pokemon TCG, Kpop
Lore Olympus, Faroff, Mundane Escape
FNAF,✨️ OBEY ME✨️, Twisted Wonderland, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Dead Plate, Elevator Hitch, Eloquent Countenance, Cold Front, That's Not My Neighbor, Married in Red, The Stanley Parable, Rot in Paradise
Web Series
Welcome Home, ✨️ALIEN STAGE ✨️, Phychocuties ( i do not support the creator)
I have ocs with a plot line I'm working on
It's called "Some People Wear Red !" or spwr
Link to my oc taglist (sorry idk how to make it smaller)
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findurfuture · 3 months ago
Dad (voiced by George Lowe) is an unemployed middle-aged man in The Brak Show. The common practice of Dad is to sit at the kitchen table, read the newspaper, and offer everyone his fatherly advice. To the chagrin of his wife, he occasionally displays womanizing behavior. Dad has a pencil mustache and slick black hair. He wears a red sweater vest, orange tie, and blue slacks with brown and white shoes. Collect all the accessories of the Dad costume from The Brak Show for Halloween and cosplay.
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months ago
hey it's that one zorak i'm back because canon ween sounds really fun. let's see... we never filmed a halloween special for coast to coast OR cartoon planet which was a DAMN shame. i guess snatch is kind of horror-ish? maybe? but that's about as close as we got. the council threw some pretty swanky halloween parties, though. i don't remember who hosted them, it might've been on a rotation sort of deal. but we got whoever's apartment decked out with cheapo decorations, those flimsy glossy ghosts and bats and plastic skulls and a crappy little smoke machine, the works. they weren't really costume parties but brak usually showed up in one anyway. also space ghost was never invited but most years he somehow managed to sneak in. im pretty sure one time he drank like half the punchbowl which was about 30% red juice and 70% vodka, and then moltar had to drive him home. it was pretty nuts and as of right now it's the only thing that happened at those parties that i remember with any clarity but i still think it's funny to call it "the time space ghost ruined our halloween party". lmao. -zorak (#🛸🎹💥)
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